“But I Hate Having My Photo Taken…”

Does the idea of a headshot session fill you with dread? You’re not alone - I’d estimate about 80% of clients tell me they hate having their photo taken the moment they get in front of my camera. Most of the time, people are pleasantly surprised once I show them the first few shots, but a few will recoil from the screen, even when their photo actually looks great. So what’s going on, and what can we do about it?

Headshot photograph for a male business professional's profile picture, pure white background

Being Photographed Can Feel Weird

If you don’t do it regularly, stepping in front of a camera can be daunting. The process tends to feel very unnatural - you’re standing there under bright lights or with flashes going off, and someone you may only have met a few minutes previously is telling you how to stand and where to look. Plus, it’s increasingly unfamiliar for someone to take your photo with anything other than a smartphone, so the technical aspect alone can make it all seem a lot more serious and intimidating.

There’s also a particular vulnerability implicit in headshots. You might have a friend or colleague in the room, but you’re on your own in front of the camera. On top of that, there’s a fundamental difference between headshots and other types of photography. You’re not preserving a memory to look back on, but trying to capture something about you and your business for future use. All of this makes it a very different experience to being part of a group shot with friends and family on a happy occasion like a wedding or holiday.

We Tend to Dislike Photos of Ourselves

  1. A Flattering Mental Image
    There’s a psychological phenomenon called the “self-enhancement bias.” Essentially this means that our mental image of ourselves tends to be a little more attractive than we actually appear. This isn’t to say everyone is a raging narcissist; it’s just part of human nature. When a photo falls short of this mental image it can feel jarring.

  2. The “Mere Familiarity” Effect
    We’re generally more comfortable with things we encounter and experience on a regular basis. In the case of our own faces, we tend to see a reversed image of ourselves far more often than one the correct way around (the way other people see us). Looking at ourselves in the mirror, on video calls, when taking a selfie, all train our brains to think the back-to-front version we see is the “real” one. So a normal photograph can have that slightly “off” feeling about it, which contributes to that sense of unease.

  3. We’re Not Getting Any Younger

    By definition, at the point you have your headshots taken you’re the oldest you’ve ever been. The media continually bombards us with images of young, beautiful people and it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to these seemingly perfect, youthful faces. Add to that the fact that professional cameras and lenses can capture the wrinkles and grey hairs in perfect clarity and you’ve got a recipe for potential disappointment.

Learning to Love Your Headshots

Getting the most out of your headshot session can be made a lot easier with a bit of advance preparation. This will help you feel far more confident and comfortable on the day, and increases the likelihood of you being much happier with your headshots.

  1. Think about what your headshots need to do - and let your photographer know

    Often, people tell me they just need a decent picture of themselves. That’s fine, but it’s always better to have a bit more to work with. For instance, think about the first impression you want to make when somebody sees your photo. What suits your brand or business best? Are you looking to convey a serious, competent image, or show off your friendly, fun-loving side? Having this kind of “mission” in mind makes it far easier for us to work together to create headshots that really work.

  2. Look for inspiration
    If you’re not really sure what kind of style you’d like, have a look at what people in a similar role have done for their headshots. If any of their photos appeal, share a link or screengrab with your photographer. Even if it’s not entirely suitable for you, having a rough idea of the type of image you like can be a helpful starting point.

  3. Get used to how you look
    If you are someone who avoids being photographed, get a friend or family member to take a few pictures of you ahead of your headshot session. Make an effort to look at these pictures, and try to find something positive in each of them. Maybe your hair looks good in one of them, perhaps another captured an expression you like. As you become more accustomed to seeing photos of yourself the mere exposure effect, mentioned above, will help increase your liking for them.

  4. Dress for Success
    In the run-up to the headshot session, look after yourself. Get enough sleep, eat well, take care of your skin. Get a haircut a day or two before, or have a professional stylist work their magic on the day. In either case, make sure it’s someone you know and trust. Choose your outfit(s) carefully; you want to wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident.

  5. Try to enjoy it!
    I’m used to hearing it, but saying, “I hate having my photo taken,” doesn’t really help either of us. Headshots tend to capture your mood. If you’re nervous or stressed, it may show in the photo. I’ll do my best to help you relax, usually via a chat about your business or explaining how we’ll go about creating the type of look you’ve told me you want for your photos. If it helps, bring along some music you’d like to listen to during the session, or have a friend tag along for moral support. But most of all, try to enjoy the experience.

  6. Seek a second opinion

    After your headshot session, I will typically send a link to an online gallery for you to assess which photos you’d like edited. At this point I strongly recommend getting a second opinion regarding which photos you select, so get a friend or family member involved. For all the reasons discussed above, sometimes we're not the best judges when it comes to photos of ourselves.

Ready for your close-up?

OK, so most of us are never going to feel entirely at home in front of the camera. But, hopefully, understanding why having photos taken sometimes feels uncomfortable and why it can be difficult to like a new picture of yourself can help smooth the process a little. The main thing to remember is that there’s no pressure to appear “perfect”, whatever that means. Your best headshot will always be the one where you look like you.

If you’re ready to book a headshot session, or have questions about any aspect of the process, please get in touch.

Dan Purdue

Versatile Leamington Spa-based photographer specialising in product photography, commercial and corporate photography.

Photography that Means Business.


Product Photography - The Process


Product Photography Case Study - Bella Rosa Sticker Books